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文:MenClub Dio
POSTED ON 22 Nov 2018
車神Michael Schumacher,因為2013年12月29日滑雪時發生意外,一直未有再公開露面,關於他的傷勢進展的消息亦少之又少,不過其家人剛剛在Schumacher的官方網站公開了從未曝光的訪問影片,訪問日期是2013年10月30日,約5年前,亦即意外發生前不足兩個月時錄影的。
建議各位車迷去官網看這訪問,因為官網把9個問題舖排好,只要Click其中一條問題,Michael Schumacher就會立即「回答」,很有心思。訪問中談到他的F1生涯,說到最激動的獎項,他說是和法拉利(Ferrari)奪得的第一個冠軍。說到最尊重的對手,則是Mika Hakkinen......
至於近況,正如先前所說消息不多,只知道2015年他由Lausanne University Hospital醫院回到瑞士家中休養及治療,只有最親近的朋友及家人准許探望,而在2016年從他的律師Felix Damm口中得知他仍未能步行。作為fans,我們只能希望很快會有好消息,希望49歲的他早日康復。



1.What was your most emotional world title: the first ever, 1994, or the first with Ferrari in 2000?
2.In more than 20 years in Formula 1, which opponent you respected the most?
3.How physically demanding Formula 1 is really?
4.Did you have an Formula 1 idol as a child?
5.Have you always known that you would set racing records, or did you ever doubt your abilities?
6.You’ve always said that success is a team effort, but isn’t the Formula One a one-man act?
7.You led the Benetton and Ferrari teams to world championship titles, and you helped shape the lead-up
for Mercedes – are these periods comparable in any way?
8.As part of your ongoing efforts to improve, do you analyze all the other drivers or only the best
9.You’ve always said that kart racing is the best training ground for all subsequent classes of
racing. Why is that?

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