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文:MenClub 波特先生  圖:互聯網
POSTED ON 07 Nov 2017



Last match in MLS. As my time in NYFC comes to an end I would like to say few words. I want to thank everybody for the kindness and support they have shown me in this incredible city. Thank you to the amazing supporters, thank you to the coaching staff and everybody that work behind the scene, thank you to my teammates. Not only my adventure in NY comes to an end but my journey as a football player as well, that is why I would like to take the opportunity to thank my family and my children for the support and love they always give me, every team that I had the honor to play for, every teammate I have been pleased to play alongside, all the people that made my career such incredible and last but not least, all the fans around the world that always showed me support. You will always be on my side and in my heart.

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