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文:MenClub 魏文青  
POSTED ON 30 Sep 2020

有睇BBC紀錄片系列如《Planet Earth》、《Planet Earth II》、《Blue Planet》、《Blue Planet II》、《Life》又或Netflix嘅《Our Planet》等,應該都會識得今年94歲嘅著名生物紀錄片製作人兼旁白David Attenborough爵士。而由於幾十年來製作過N部生物紀錄片,可以話係陪住幾代人成長,所以Sir David深受外國人愛戴,愛到佢一開IG,就打破咗IG史上最快達到100萬Followers嘅紀錄。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

David Attenborough has spent a lifetime travelling, exploring the wild places of our planet and documenting the living world in all its variety and wonder. He’s also witnessed the damaged caused. Saving our planet is now a communications challenge. We know what to do, we just need the will. That’s why we want to share this message on Instagram. Because there is hope and together, we can inspire change. Social media isn’t David’s usual habitat so while he’s recorded messages solely for Instagram, like the one in this post, we're helping to run this account. In case you’re wondering, ‘we’ are Jonnie and Colin and we worked with David on A Life On Our Planet. So, as well as sharing the messages he’s recorded especially for this account we’ll also post some exclusive clips and behind the scenes content. Stay tuned.

A Life On Our Planet(@davidattenborough)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Sir David 為咗宣傳今個週日上線、講述佢個人生平、回顧地球生命演化史、對地球未來願景嘅Netflix紀錄片《A Life On Our Planet》,日前首次開立個人Instagram (@davidattenborough) ,上載嘅第一條片就係呼籲大家正視地球嘅環境問題,亦指自己會慢慢上傳其他影片講解呢啲問題及解決方法。結果個IG開咗4個鐘44分鐘就已經達到100萬Followers,打破由《Friends》Jennifer Aniston於上年10月創下嘅5個鐘16分鐘舊紀錄,成為目前最快達到100萬Followers嘅IG用戶,目前更達到近500萬Followers。

以Sir David近百歲之齡,都仲希望透過IG呢個 (對佢黎講) 新平台去傳達環保訊息,其熱情及魄力實在係令人敬佩。而且大家喺IG都可以聽到Sir David嗰把沙啞得黎又溫柔嘅聲線,係賞心樂事黎呀!

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