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文:MenClub Mean娜  圖:互聯網
POSTED ON 26 Jul 2016

正所謂「工欲善其事 必先利其器」,要影靚相好嘅設備當然重要,但藝術呢家嘢~唔係咁死嘅,就算唔Set燈打光用單反,單靠靈敏觸覺同美麗構圖,都可以影到Perfect池嘅相片,更何況家下手提嘅相機性能咁得,就咁用iPhone影,啲相都足以靚到個個「Wow」咁聲!一齊睇下2016年iPhone攝影獎嘅得獎靚相啦!

Siyuan Niu From Xinjiang, China, Grand Prize Winner

Patryk Kuleta From Warsaw, Poland, 1st Place, Photographer Of The Year
Robin Robertis From Carlsbad Ca, United States, 2nd Place
Carolyn Mara Borlenghi From Florida, United States, 3rd Place, Photographer Of The Year
Erica Wu From San Francisco Ca, United States, 1st Place, Animals

Fugen Xiao From Guangdong, China, 1st Place, Travel

Yongmei Wang From Chongqing, China, 2nd Place, Sunset

Jian Wang From Beijing, China, 1st Place, Architecture

Victor Kintanar From Cebu City, Philippines, 1st Place, Trees

Shiyang Han From Beijing, China, 3rd Place, Travel

Nick Ryan From Sydney, Australia, 1st Place, Sunset

Elaine Taylor From United Kingdom, 1st Place, Portrait

Wen Qi From Guangdong, China, 1st Place, Still Life

Xia Zhenkai From Guangdong, China, 1st Place, People

Junfeng Wang From Shanghai, China, 1st Place, Nature

Yuki Cheung From Hong Kong, 1st Place, Lifestyle

Junfeng Wang From Shanghai, China, 1st Place, Nature

Andrew Montgomery From Hampton Wick, United Kingdom, 1st Place, Food

Lone Bjorn From Zurich, Switzerland, 1st Place, Flowers

Junbiao Cai From Guangdong, China, 3rd Place, Animals

Jinsong Hu From Kunming, China, 3rd Place, Abstract 

Rithwik V.j From Tamil Nadu, India, 3rd Place, Lifestyle

Nazaret Sanchez Rodriquez From Tarragona, Spain, 2nd Place, Landscape

K.k From Changsha, China, 1st Place, Children


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